
Träumeland GmbH

Sportstrasse 11
4142 Hofkirchen

Telefon: +43 7285 60106
Telefax: +43 7285 60106-60

Purpose of the company: Mattress production/upholstery and bedding manufacturer
FN: 301893k
VAT ID no. ATU 63806938
Commercial register court: District court of Linz
Head office: 4142 Hofkirchen
Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Upper Austria (Section "Trade & Crafts" | Guild "Painters & Upholsterers")
Applicable legal provisions: Trade Regulation Act (GewO)
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Rohrbach district administration

Alternative dispute resolution

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU online dispute resolution platform:
You can also send any complaints to the e-mail address given above.

Responsible for content: Träumeland GmbH
Management Board: Hannes Nösslböck
Realisation & Design: XORTEX eBusiness GmbH ( | Lunik2 – Marketing Services GmbH (
The Träumeland GmbH terms and conditions of sale and supply apply. All information is subject to errors and mistakes and without guarantee.


The copying or reproduction (including paper print-outs) of the entire website of parts of this website are only permitted for the purpose of submitting an order on this website. Every other use of the materials available on the website or information - including the reproduction, the further sales, the modification and publication for a purpose other than the abovementioned purpose - is prohibited unless Träumeland GmbH has agreed to it in advance in writing or via electronic means.

Internet agency

Konzeption, Realisierung, Betreuung: XORTEX eBusiness GmbH - Web- & Internetagentur

Betrieb, Hosting: XORTEX eBusiness GmbH - Webhosting, DevOps

Content Management System: CMS REDX by XORTEX eBusiness GmbH